JUNE 9-11
ALL 7th- 12th
We plan to depart from the Max on Sunday, June 9th at 12:30 pm (pack a lunch or eat before we leave) for Lebanon, Missouri and staying at Hillcrest Baptist Church. On Monday morning we will head to Riverfront Campgrounds to float the Niangua River. We will be doing a series of Bible studies during our time away led by various adult leaders. We will head home on Tuesday morning and plan to be back in Maryville by 3:30 pm.
The registration cost is $45 which goes towards the canoe rentals and food. There will be an additional cost for lunch on the way home Tuesday. Download the itinerary and general info for more information. You can pay on this site or drop off your payment to the church office. Payment can also be placed it in an envelope marked “Float Trip” and put it in an offering drop box in the church. Turn in your money and sign up by Sunday, June 2nd.